Primer for Plein Air - Coming Soon
Starting March 9, I'll tell you what you need to know to get ready for plein air painting season.
It’s March 1st, and already here in the high desert of New Mexico the green shoots of daffodils have pushed up. Bees sing in the flowering boughs of the elm trees, and the piñons are turning a rusty-orange as they prepare to send out their springtime storm of pollen. (I have spring allergies, so I notice these things.) And do I detect a distant rattle of paint brushes being gathered up across the lands north of the equator for another season of plein air painting?
Yes, plein air painting season is upon us. With that in mind, I thought it would be helpful to my readers to present a primer for plein air painting. Starting March 9th, I’ll be giving paid subscribers a series of posts on getting ready for plein air painting. In it, I’ll cover:
Gear and materials
Where and how to set up
Choosing a subject and composing a scene
How to start the painting
Tips that will help and traps to avoid
How to finish
Plus, as a paid subscriber, you’ll have access to my Chat area where you can ask me any questions (and get answers!) you might have on the topic.
If you’re not a paid subscriber, I hope you’ll join me. For only $5 a month, it’ll be worth it. The series starts March 9.